Marauder Sports

Monday, June 04, 2012

Microsoft Word Sheets

This document will help you learn about Microsoft Wor 2007

Google Apps

The Learning Equation

Welcome to Computer 9 class!

This class is offered every second day until the end of the term:

Section 20: Period 3 on Day 1
Section 10: Period 4 on Day 2

During Computer 9, we will learn about spreadsheets, charts/graphs, wordprocessing, PowerPoint and databases. The term mark will be calculated as follows: 50% assignments, 50% tests.

If a student completes the assignment within the alloted time, the additional computer time can be used for remedial or enrichment math (THE LEARNING EQUATION) or another teacher-approved assignment. As a result, it is important that each student know how to access TLE, and has the appropriate files within his/her H drive.